Storyline Movie The Teachers' Lounge 2023

 Drama | 2023 | PG-13 | 98 Minutes | 4 May 2023

Storyline Movie The Teachers' Lounge 2023

Storyline Movie The Teachers' Lounge 2023
Storyline Movie The Teachers' Lounge 2023 poster

Storyline / Plot The Teachers' Lounge 2023

Students from the 7th-grade class of the idealistic studious Carla Nowak, a extra transfer to the school, are pressured by additional teachers to identify which of their classmates could be the most likely suspect for a series of thefts from the teachers' lounge. Carla encourages them to stay silent if they wish, but the additional teachers pursue the event and progressive force the male students in Carla's class to turn in their wallets for inspection. on discovering that a student of Turkish heritage,[8] Ali, is carrying a lot of money, the teachers accuse him of theft; however, at a meeting past Ali's parents, the parents inform the teachers that the money was Ali's allowance, and they accuse the teachers of racially profiling Ali. Later, after witnessing a associate steal child support from the lounge's piggy bank, Carla decides to evaluate the theft herself. Using her laptop, she in secret archives her jacket and gets footage of an unspecified person in a distinctive blouse taking allowance from her wallet.

Carla searches going on for the bookish and discovers an administrative colleague, Friederike Kuhn, is wearing the thesame blouse as upon the video. Kuhn is moreover the single mom of Oskar, a gleaming but quiet student in Carla's class whom Carla admires. Carla privately attempts to get Kuhn to allow in and compensation the money, but Kuhn is flustered and livid at Carla's accusation and throws her out. Carla escalates to the principal, who is then unable to get Kuhn to say yes to the theft. Kuhn becomes terribly catastrophe during the interrogation and storms out after innate put upon leave, even though Carla is discomfited by the principal's recommendation to acquire the police involved, preferring to save the event private. However, she is horrified considering the principal clarification that Carla will furthermore have to be put under investigation, as her indistinctive recording of the teachers' lounge violated the privacy of her colleagues.

At a parent-teacher meeting, the parents are put out to hear of the teachers' interrogation of the students, particularly following their wallets were taken. As Carla struggles to assume manage of the situation, Kuhn crashes the meeting and informs the parents that Carla is brute charged taking into account making nameless recordings and that she is not to be trusted. A shaken Carla flees to the bathroom, where she struggles to rule a startle attack. The students start to gossip as well, behind Oskar insisting that his mother is not the thief, and becoming bump that his mother has been fired. The students rally on behalf of Oskar and refuse to get homework or participate in class. Oskar innovative attacks a student who unproductive to participate in this solidarity and then steals Carla's laptop, striking her behind it and later escaping to the nearby river, where he disposes of the laptop.

Carla, union that Oskar was trying to protect his mother, covers for him and is adjoining pursuing disciplinary action, but the supplementary teachers are wary of keeping Oskar in class due to his violent tendencies. The meeting is interrupted by Carla's students, who govern the speculative newspaper and had scheduled an interview taking into consideration her. After a regular and pure set of questions, the students abruptly start interrogating Carla approximately the unmemorable recording, the thefts, accusations adjoining Ali, and Kuhn's dismissal. Carla, caught off-guard, gives vague and expansive responses and is refused the opportunity to review the interview ahead of the printing of the newspaper. in the same way as it is published, Carla is disconcerted to locate her statements twisted and taken out of context. The paper speedily spreads and angers the supplementary teachers, who blame Carla for not monster more cooperative and forthcoming. The principal decides to ban the distribution of the newspaper and suspends Oskar.

Oskar returns to class regardless, and the principal threatens to have him removed, which could get him expelled. After failing to acquire Kuhn to combine her son, Carla has the class depart gone substitute hypothetical and sits quietly following Oskar. He quickly solves the Rubik's cube that she had proficient him earlier in the film, and the credits work him brute carried out of theoretical by police officers, relieve and dignified.

Movie`s Details The Teachers' Lounge 2023

Title: The Teachers' Lounge
Original Title: Das Lehrerzimmer
Genre: Drama
Writer: Johannes Duncker, Ilker Çatak
Director: Ilker Çatak
Actors: Leonie Benesch, Anne-Kathrin Gummich, Rafael Stachowiak, Michael Klammer
Runtime: 98 Minutes
Country: Germany
Language: German, Turkish, Polish, English
Release Date: 4 May 2023
Production: if... Productions, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), ARTE
Tagline: teacher, school, student teacher, ideal, teachers' lounge
IMDb Rating: 7.5/10 From 18008 Votes

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