The Kashmir Files 2022

Drama | 2022 | | 2h 50min | 2022-03-11

Storyline Movie The Kashmir Files 2022

The Kashmir Files 2022
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Storyline / Plot

The plan frequently switches amid the contemporary era set in the year 2020 and flashbacks to 19891990 throughout the film.

Circa 19891990

In 198990 Kashmir, Islamic militants storm and banish Kashmiri Hindu Pandits from the Kashmir valley using the slogans Raliv Galiv ya Chaliv ("convert (to Islam), depart or die") and Al-Safa Batte Dafa ("with god's grace comprehensive Kashmiri Pandit community will depart valley"). Pushkar Nath Pandit, a teacher, fears for the safety of his son Karan, who has been accused by the militants of brute an Indian spy. Pushkar requests his friend Brahma Dutt, a civil servant, for Karan's protection. Brahma travels behind Pushkar to Kashmir and witnesses the hurt against Kashmiri Pandits. He takes going on the situation taking into account the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), who suspends Brahma.

Militant commander Farooq Malik Bitta, furthermore a former student of Pushkar, breaches Pushkar Nath's house. Karan hides in a rice container but is found and shot by Bitta. Pushkar and his daughter-in-law Sharda plead for their lives. Bitta compels Sharda to eat rice soaked in Karan's blood in dispute for their lives. After Bitta and his gang leave the house, Pushkar begs his doctor friend Mahesh Kumar to bring an ambulance and save Karan's life. However, the hospital gets taken higher than by militants, who forbid the hospital staff from treating non-Muslims. Subsequently, Karan succumbs to injuries from the gunshots.

To ensure their safety, Pushkar and his intimates are taken by their journalist pal Vishnu Ram to Kaul, a Hindu poet who maintains a friendly attachment considering Muslims. Kaul takes in many Pandits into his home but a work of militants arrives to pick Kaul and his son occurring below the guise of offering protection. The land of the Pandits depart the place but are progressive stunned to find corpses of Kaul and his son hanging from trees.

The refugee Pandits from the Kashmir valley permit in Jammu and sentient upon meagre assign and in poor conditions. Brahma is appointed as an advisor to the other governor of J&K. At his request, the house Minister visits the Jammu camps where Pushkar demands the removal of Article 370 and the resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits. Brahma manages to acquire Sharda a organization job in Nadimarg in Kashmir, and the intimates moves there.

One day a action of militants headed by Bitta dress in the works as members of the Indian Army and reach at Nadimarg. They start rounding in the works the Pandits bustling there. Sharda resists following the militants get withhold of her elder son Shiva. angry Farooq strips her and saws her body in half. He lines going on Shiva and the steadfast Pandits and shoots them into a accumulation grave. Pushkar is spared to expand the word not quite what happened.


In the gift day, Sharda's younger son Krishna is brought taking place by Pushkar. He believes that his parents had died in an accident. A student of ANU,[b] Krishna is below the involve of professor Radhika Menon who is a devotee of Kashmiri separatism. Pushkar's connections Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and police manager Hari Narain, who had served in Kashmir bearing in mind Karan was killed, recall the undertakings of Kashmir from their memory that Brahma calls a "genocide".

Krishna contests the ANU's student election. similar to the advice of professor Radhika Menon, he holds the dealing out of India responsible for the concern of Kashmir, much to the inflame of Pushkar. Later, taking into account Pushkar dies, Krishna travels to his ancestral house in Kashmir to scatter the ashes per Pushkar's last wish. Menon asks Krishna to tape some footage in Kashmir to freshen the government's supposed atrocities. in imitation of the back of one of Menon's contacts, Krishna meets Bitta and accuses him of living thing answerable for the event of the Pandits. But Bitta declares himself to be a new-age Gandhi who is leading a non-violent democratic movement. Bitta claims that it was the Indian Army, who killed Krishna's mother and brother. considering Krishna questions Brahma virtually this claim, Brahma hands him files of newspaper cuttings (collected by Pushkar), reporting that militants, disguised as Indian Army soldiers, had killed them.

Krishna returns to Delhi and gives his scheduled speech for the university circles presidential elections to a roaring crowd at the ANU campus. He elaborates on the records of Kashmir and the plight of his intimates and extra Kashmiri Hindu victims that he had discovered from his visit. This shocks his mentor professor Menon and her additional students, and Krishna is initially met gone resistance and ridicule at the meeting. Some students eventually normal and hail Krishna's speech.

Movie`s Details

Title: The Kashmir Files 

Genre: Drama 

Writer: Vivek Agnihotri, Saurabh M. Pandey 

Director: Vivek Agnihotri 

Actors: Mithun Chakraborty, Anupam Kher, Darshan Kumaar 

Runtime: 2h 50min 

Country: India 

Language: Hindi 

Release Date: 2022-03-11 

Production: Zee Studios, Abhishek Aggarwal Arts, I Am Buddha 

imdbRating: 8.3 


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